Thursday, May 26, 2011

Wake Up Princess!

I was in a café yesterday and the guy serving me my chai was really sexy and intriguing. I don’t find myself instantly attracted to people that often, so he stuck in my mind, Then this morning I’m driving out of Pilates and the same guy whizzes past me on his bike! 

Fuck! What are the chances right?

So of course the romantic in me slammed my foot on the accelerator and started following the guy down a random side street! This lasted about 500 meters or so before I started feeling kind of bunny boiler-ish and stupid, so I turned back and continued on home.

Ah! Those regretful “I should have” missed opportunity moments totally eat at my soul. The universe hands me something on a plate and i'm too ‘pussy’ to take the chance!

Okay, so I know I definitely had some of my 'I was an ugly teenager and still feel like one' belief systems running. Admittedly, I can get nervous when it comes to making a first move intimately. But really, society hasn’t given me much chance to practice my pickup technique..

Generally speaking, men do the chasing, women get chased. Hunter-Hunted. Predator - Prey.  Masculine/Feminine. Whatever,. Whether you think these gender roles are archaic - they are far from dead. Go to any bar on a Saturday night and you don't see many women awkwardly approaching a man at a bar and asking to buy him a drink do you?

Even the word 'pussy' - slang for female genitalia is also a colloquialism for someone who is weak and doesn’t go after what they want. While Someone who is fearless and brave has ‘Balls' ..Coincidence?' No! Women can comfortably get through their dating life sitting on their thrones doing jack and never get called on it, societies sexual scripts support it.

Historically, we don’t have many (if any) examples of prominent women who are respected for being unashamedly bold in getting what they want – particularly when it comes to sex. In fact when they do exist, they’re generally frowned upon or otherwise depicted as deadly/dangerous, evil and warned against! i.e The Femme Fatale, Vagina Dentata. On the other side of the coin, we’ve got fairy-tales depicting dashing princes and fair sleeping maidens in waiting! 

Although I do consider myself a bit of a feminist, today I realized that I've been hiding out in this particular social construct for awhile now– it’s safe, and I don’t have to get out of my comfort zone or face being rejected. But today that little story didn't get me any riding off on a horse into the sunset with a sexy chai man endings.. It got me shit all, (apart from a good blog) and I've been pulled by my fairy-tale princess hair to wake the fuck up.

So watch out boys, I'm growing some balls under this gown.

1 comment:

Stephen Colman said...

I'm a male and I support this blog post. It's about time more girls got out there and took (pardon the pun) life by the balls.