Wednesday, March 2, 2011

An Ode To 'The New Age Guy'

You embrace me in a melting hug.
While the lump in your pants says you’d rather a tug.
We eye gaze until my brain starts to hurt.
Then you bow Namaste and wander back to your yurt.
Sure, you’re not like those beefcakes who’ve got something to prove.
But C’mon, just do it, make a fucking move!

You’re in touch with your emotions.
You aren’t afraid to cry.
But there’s still something missing with this 'new age guy.'
You’ve opened your heart, broken down your walls.
But to tell you the truth,
I’d like you better with balls.

Whose wearing the pants?
Whose leading this dance?
Sleeping in your Combi doesn’t feel like romance.
You go with the flow, take it slow
Respect my feelings, But where’s your mojo!?

Can you remain equanimous while your touching my breasts?
That’s the ultimate challenge, a true spiritual test.
To embrace the animal instinct, that’s in ALL of us.
Forget your Asanas , let go and FUCK.
Cause everything is sacred,
Including cunt and cock.

And there’s nothing more enlightening, than getting your rocks off.


Anonymous said...

I hear ya on this, but unfortunately in this day and age so many women have major walls and issues with relating...they dont even look at you when walking down the street or in the grocery store. Its universal....because they are traumatized from the out of balance patriarchical culture we live in...its many layers deep and its estimated that 75% of women are sexually abused in some way in their upbringing. Then they are taught that their bodies arent good enough cause they arent a model... so after awhile, as a new age guy looking to seek greater joy and happiness within, ya get tired of meeting up front 1st all these walls and issues to work through just to make a connection....and really whats going on is that the woman is actually the horny one...but they act so much otherwise. Usually they are manipulative and play games....and thats why anything thats not heart centered, will usually end up hurting someone in the end.

Miss V said...

Definitely, Not all women however, and certainly not a lot of the women I know ;) And it is not all new age men that are ball-less. Obviously there could be something written with equal merit about females and not owning their sexuality....maybe you'd like to take up the challenge?

anyname said...

One word: awesome!

Nil said...

I just stumbled upon this somehow when googling and this is the greatest rhyme ever! Very clever and so freakin true!!