For those who aren’t aware, although due to its disturbing popularity I’m sure you are - Contiki (AKA a Chuck and Fuck tour) is a travel company which offers ‘amazing overseas experiences for 18-35 year olds.’ For anyone willing to fork out the extra few thousand dollars, Contiki boasts the following ’unique’ opportunities;
Discovering Different Cultures
At Contiki we do our best to make sure you see everything. In order to do so we travel through 10 completely different, multi faceted, complex countries in just 2 WEEKS! You’ll be sure to get a real understanding of them ALL, or at least try the beer.
Creating memories that will last a lifetime **
Contiki plans every last detail for you; including stimulating activities such as body shots and pool volleyball, without you even needing to leave the hotel! In case things get too overwhelming, we also provide you with your very own tour guide, who is also available as a slightly more drunk and unethical substitute mother.
** Considering the general intoxication levels of our travelers - Contiki takes no responsibility for your memories NOT lasting a lifetime or even into the next morning for that matter.
“Meeting new people from all over the globe”
Of course with Contiki you’ll always be surrounded by like-minded souls with the same views, opinions and bottled hair color as yourself - We offer safety in the fact that it’s highly likely one of your ’new’ friends will have grown up in the same suburb as you, and knows your brother. By spending ALL your time with your group, we helpfully eliminate the chance that you may meet someone who challenges you.
What a joke. Contiki has basically created one big, fat, safety net for anyone wanting to stay in their prospective bubbles of ignorance, by attempting to make travel a ‘normal’ experience. The thing is, overseas travel isn’t normal, it isn’t safe - that’s what makes it so special and life changing. The reason you hear about people getting so much out of their experiences overseas, is because it forces you OUT of your comfort zone. You find yourself with people, and in places you never thought you would. You might get lost, struggle to communicate and feel scared shitless. But all the things that may initially make you feel uncomfortable, are the exact forces that enable you to realise your own potential - these are the parts of travel that make you grow up and help you to understand yourself and the world around you - Okay, so some people aren’t always up for a bit of personal development (fucking weirdo’s if you ask me) but if this is the case, then why waste thousand of dollars, and not just stick to pissing on at the local with your mates? With Contiki you’re STILL getting wasted and STILL picking up randoms like every other week - But Hey, You’re doing it in another country now! - LOOK OUT!
So if you choose Contiki, PLEASE don’t expect to come back any different to when you left - apart from a lot less of my respect and a few less brain cells.
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