Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Confessions of a Lost Soul

They say the first step to a cure is admitting you have a problem, so in favour of the former and in view of my current revelations, I have decided to make an official statement in order to move foward.

So guess what people? - I'm lost as fuck.

A self proclaimed free spirit, over the past few months I have admittedly been at a low point. Internally questioning every move I make I've spent a vast majority of the time scrutinizing my map so ferociously that I haven't even bothered to put my head up and take a look at where I am, let alone appreciate the scenery! This self depricating behaviour has ultimately led to a personal demise and certain crushing of my soul. And to be quite frank, I'm over it. The constant questions from the type of traveller I despise the most, have been rading my conciousness day in and day out - Will this path get me here? Should I be turn right or left in a hundred metres? Is this route well travelled or should I try something a little more off the beaten track? And lately it's just come to me, shut the hell up bitch, stop getting hung up on the destination and start enjoy the bloody ride...Who would've thought that ironically I'd become this lost from simply searching too hard? (well apart from the buddhists..) And now in reflection, I'm realising it's just about having the balls to ditch your damn compass once in awhile - and that's when the true magic happens.

Now although I won't be purchasing a wanky sticker for my car just yet, from now on I'm going back to my roots and following whatever path happens to find me; twisty, turny, dead end, straight down the guts - bring it. I think I'm ready again, to embrace the journey and revel in the fact that me and my not-so trusty map won't know shit about what somethings really like, until we've been there.

So I'm off for a wide-eyed wander, crossing bridges once I've actually got to them, with my faith in the knowledge that wherever I end up, I know I'll make the most of it. And anyway like a good friend once said to me -

All roads lead home :)


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