‘Shopping for Love’ was as crappy, brainless and uneventful as reality television could get, and for those who weren’t fortunate enough to ever catch it - well honestly you didn’t miss much. However I am an out and proud fan of what most consider very bad television, so every Wednesday night; straight after The Bachelor, I watched it – a program where two sickening, over the top hosts run around Chadstone Shopping Centre, helping single contestants shop for a potential partner they haven’t met. Now although Shopping for Love’s air time was particularly short lived, I suspect it played some part in the popularity of R.S.V.P - Australia’s largest singles website. RSVP was where Shopping for Love sourced its contestants, and with approx 1.3 Million members – That’s a hell of a lot of people looking for love. Although so many of us are willing to admit we haven’t got it right, interestingly enough we all claim to want exactly the same thing from a partner. Check out the profiles on R.S.V.P and I can guarantee in nearly every ‘Ideal Partner’ section you can find the generic pre-requisites of “Intelligent, Sense of Humor, Down to Earth, Loyal” - So if we all want and desire the same things, why do so many people keep failing miserably and rushing back to the store demanding a refund? Have we just been browsing in the wrong aisle? Or is there something more to it?
What we think we want is obviously very different to who we are realistically choosing to be with. The reason being when we don't feel happy and content in ourselves the relationships we have will be unhealthy ones - it’s as simple as that. How can we expect to make the right purchase when our hunger and thirst for things like affection and attention is manipulating our choice? "Shopping while hungry will just make you buy food that isn’t good for you and food you don’t need" The same applies in relationships – and whether we realise it or not a majority of us are just shopping on empty stomachs. When hungry; extremely important considerations regarding good nutritional content, the used by date, the fact that your throat completely closed up last time you ate those nuts; are easily disregarded in the face of instant gratification. We all know what is bad for us, but if we're hungry who gives a shit right? I'm all for the occasional ‘Impulse buy’ because everyone deserves having a good old binge once in awhile. But remember, if you choose to make frequent unhealthy choices, there’s no one to blame but yourself when you’re left fat arsed or heartbroken.
Obesity, bad relationships, addiction – they all stems from the fact that we’re ravenous as fuck and believe contentment can be found outside of ourselves. However those grumbles will not ever disappear if we continue to think love means finding someone in order to feel 'Complete.' Satisfaction is not anything we can buy from others. It’s not about writing a detailed list of what you want, it's about ensuring you make your purchases when you feel full, and only then will you get what you need.
So the next time someone tempting from the bad food group asks "Can I help you?" the reply can be as simple as "Just looking Thanks!"…and we all know that drill.
What we think we want is obviously very different to who we are realistically choosing to be with. The reason being when we don't feel happy and content in ourselves the relationships we have will be unhealthy ones - it’s as simple as that. How can we expect to make the right purchase when our hunger and thirst for things like affection and attention is manipulating our choice? "Shopping while hungry will just make you buy food that isn’t good for you and food you don’t need" The same applies in relationships – and whether we realise it or not a majority of us are just shopping on empty stomachs. When hungry; extremely important considerations regarding good nutritional content, the used by date, the fact that your throat completely closed up last time you ate those nuts; are easily disregarded in the face of instant gratification. We all know what is bad for us, but if we're hungry who gives a shit right? I'm all for the occasional ‘Impulse buy’ because everyone deserves having a good old binge once in awhile. But remember, if you choose to make frequent unhealthy choices, there’s no one to blame but yourself when you’re left fat arsed or heartbroken.
Obesity, bad relationships, addiction – they all stems from the fact that we’re ravenous as fuck and believe contentment can be found outside of ourselves. However those grumbles will not ever disappear if we continue to think love means finding someone in order to feel 'Complete.' Satisfaction is not anything we can buy from others. It’s not about writing a detailed list of what you want, it's about ensuring you make your purchases when you feel full, and only then will you get what you need.
So the next time someone tempting from the bad food group asks "Can I help you?" the reply can be as simple as "Just looking Thanks!"…and we all know that drill.
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